PPXBIRDY 鬥志雞 Barry (雞達摩)


Artist: AAAZ

頭歪歪叼著煙的 Barry,看著提不起勁的你🥺,用堅定的眼神傳遞一記當頭棒喝給你!鼓勵你努力走出困境,期待著你休息過後別忘記向前衝🏎️! PP BIRDY 鬥志雞 Barry 是你最強大的勇氣御守,「果斷邁進,無畏前行」是 Barry 的座右銘💪

🐔PPXBIRDY 鬥志雞 Barry (雞達摩)
+Artist: AAAZ
💰 售價:HKD 450
📌 商品材質:搪膠
📌 商品尺寸:~10.5cm高
📅開賣時間:2024年7月22日 HKT 12:00PM
🛎️於2024年7月22至26日期間,凡購買任何PP X MONSTER周邊產品即享9折優惠。



About the Artist

Came from Guangzhou, AAAZ is both an illustrator and tattoo artist. She is not just a fan of graphic design but also handcrafting. “AAA-Z” is the brand she created and because of her curiosity of different materials, she always tries new things in her designs and creations.

Recently, she has been collaborating with TOYZEROPLUS, a toy brand from Hong Kong, which has started her journey in the art toy industry by her first designer toy “PP BABY”. 


AAAZ近年更跟香港玩具品牌TOYZEROPLUS合作,以個人的首隻設計師玩具「PP BABY」開始踏足潮流玩具界。