"BYEBYECHUCHU" came on the scene in 2008 via Wretch with 8 million people of fans. His Facebook fan page launched in 2010 and published works that matched current affairs and resonated with the audiences, which made himself as a famous artist. "Pointer man" was the most iconic character created by byebyechuchu. In 2018, he created a new adorable and dorky character, "Ology Chicken" and attracts lots of young people’s attention. It has been co-branded with famous character from Japan "Mentori" with a theme restaurant and a point collection event in Family Mart. TOY0+ will bring the "Ology Chicken" into designer toy, so that everyone can feel the ideas and joy of the creation.
掰掰啾啾 Byebyechuchu 於2008年發跡於無名小站,累積瀏覽人數約為800萬人次,2010轉往Facebook成立粉絲團,符合時事與切中人心的作品,讓掰掰啾啾晉身為擁有百萬粉絲的台灣代表圖文創作者,其筆下經典角色【尖頭人】更受邀於國際知名品牌合作。 近年更塑造了話題性十足的新角色【奧樂雞】,傻氣呆萌的形象,成為年輕族群的新寵,並再次成功跨界與日本超人氣角色【懶得鳥你Mentori 】聯名,開設主題餐廳並與Family Mart全店集點合作。TOY0+將以奧樂雞帶入設計師玩具,讓大家感受到掰掰啾啾創作的多元趣味。