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“With great power comes great responsibility.” WOOOODY has a pair of broad shoulders and a IP character who loves to helping others around in need. The prototype of WOOODY is Dylan's favourite cute cat with a Godzilla tail. Let's face every difficulties with a smile and positive attitude! Please stay tuned for WOOOODY adventures!
「有些能力是與生俱來的」 而生來就長有一副可愛、憨呆樣子的WOOOODY卻有一雙像金剛一樣厚實的肩膀,有著無窮的力量可以去幫助身邊需幫助的人。WOOOODY角色原型是設計師Dylan最愛的貓,並覺得跟哥吉拉很像後為角色加上了恐龍尾巴。WOOOODY其實是一隻喜歡默默的幫助別人,面對任何困難總是微笑正面面對,毫不畏懼的貓咪~
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