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購買任何吃貨恐龍產品滿HKD190,即可以HKD190加購煉乳刨冰雷龍 (每張訂單限購1個)
Add-on one Foodie Dinosaur - Mini Fuji Kakigori (HKD190) With Any Purchase Of HKD190 Foodie Dinosaur Product. (Each order could purchase max. 1 pc)
* 數量有限,售完即止
* Product are available while stocks last.
煉乳刨冰雷龍 限量發售 Foodie Dinosaur - Mini Fuji Kakigori Limited Sale
Order Amount of Foodie Dinosaur Product Does Not Reach HKD190

Kotton factory

Aom, a Thai designer from Kottonfactory. Designer a very cute rabbit - Robin. What secret is hidden behind this lovely rabbit? She is a live fluffy rabbit doll who has a fracture on her back. Let's bring her home to discover this secret! Robin is an adventurous and playful rabbit! She is ready to step out of the kotton factory and start her new journey!
來自Kotton Factory的泰國設計師AOM,創作了可愛毛茸茸的粉紅小兔子Robin!誕生於神秘的Kottonfactory!看似平凡,Robin究竟隱藏著甚麼祕密呢?這個就要大家帶走她才能夠發現喔~聽說Robin也充滿冒險精神,而且十分貪玩!充滿挑戰性的歷險旅程,正式開始!
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