
PP x Monster 吉利虎


Artist: AAAZ

Bruce 是你身邊最忠實的好朋友,他為您帶來勇氣、力量與自信。Bruce 跩跩的小臉蛋🐯,是不是像極了那些平常酷酷不愛笑的朋友們,總會在你最需要的時候挺身而出💪。 Bruce 吉利虎深信,擁有神秘吉利運氣的他,正默默散發著守護能量圍繞著你 💫

🐯PP x Monster 吉利虎 PP Tiger Bruce🐯

💰售價: HKD450

📌尺寸: ~10.5CM

📅開賣日期:2023年10月18日 HKT 12:00PM



#PPBABY #AAAZ #PPXMONSTER #Bruce #吉利虎 #虎達摩 #20thTaipeiToyFestival #Toyzeroplus #TTF

About the Artist

Came from Guangzhou, AAAZ is both an illustrator and tattoo artist. She is not just a fan of graphic design but also handcrafting. “AAA-Z” is the brand she created and because of her curiosity of different materials, she always tries new things in her designs and creations.

Recently, she has been collaborating with TOYZEROPLUS, a toy brand from Hong Kong, which has started her journey in the art toy industry by her first designer toy “PP BABY”. 


AAAZ近年更跟香港玩具品牌TOYZEROPLUS合作,以個人的首隻設計師玩具「PP BABY」開始踏足潮流玩具界。