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購買任何吃貨恐龍產品滿HKD190,即可以HKD190加購煉乳刨冰雷龍 (每張訂單限購1個)
Add-on one Foodie Dinosaur - Mini Fuji Kakigori (HKD190) With Any Purchase Of HKD190 Foodie Dinosaur Product. (Each order could purchase max. 1 pc)
* 數量有限,售完即止
* Product are available while stocks last.
煉乳刨冰雷龍 限量發售 Foodie Dinosaur - Mini Fuji Kakigori Limited Sale
Order Amount of Foodie Dinosaur Product Does Not Reach HKD190

Unicorn mani

The cutest Suni represents “courage” and hopes to accompany everyone, encouraging them to move forward. "Let us embark on a magical journey with courage!" As a cute mouse Suni who often gets stuck as a food critic, Suni has been given life by designer Brenda and walks alongside everyone with confidence, even in the face of challenges. It is okay to have flaws, they are your unique marks. Even when faced with obstacles, let us heal ourselves with a good meal! Other different characters will also be introduced, so please look forward to meeting these cute friends! "Escape into the painting, escape into the imagination, just like role-playing is an ideal, inevitably we all need a place to breathe and indulge." Brenda hopes that her work can heal everyone while healing herself. Please stay tuned for a series of exciting adventures featuring Unicorn Mani
夢幻甜美系設計師Brenda所設計的鼠尼於2023年正式加盟 TOYZEROPLUS!可愛有趣的鼠尼代表着勇氣,希望能一直陪伴著你們,鼓勵大家勇往直前。 「 讓我們帶着勇氣開啟一段奇幻之旅吧!」 作為美食評論員卻常常卡關的可愛鼠尼,被設計師Brenda賦予了生命,與大家一起並肩而行,即使遇到困境,仍保持自信。即使有缺點也沒關係,它們都是你的獨一無二記號。即使遇到卡住的事情,那就讓一頓美食療癒我們吧!還有其他不同的角色也陸續跟大家見面,請期待一下這些小可愛吧! 「逃進畫裡、逃進想像裡,就像角色扮演都是理想一樣,無可避免的我們都需要一些得以喘息驕縱的避世之地」Brenda 希望她的作品在療癒自己的同時,也能療癒大家~


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