「齊來跟詹米與米米一起上學吧!」 新學季快將來臨,「詹米」小朋友換上了整齊的學生服、背上書包,帶著好朋友「米米」一起去上學!
由TOY0+生產、+Artist Yokooong設計,換上學生服的詹米搪膠公仔全高13.9cm,在胸口的左邊,配有可拆出來的黃色心形配件,而且這次更配上一個書包配件;而好朋友米米小狗公仔高7cm,這次也換上綠色新頸圈,襯托著詹米褲子顏色。「詹米與米米 – 一起上學吧」版本現正於TOY0+官網接受預訂。
“Let’s go to school with Jaime & Mimi!!!” The new school year is coming soon, Jaime is well prepared for it while wearing a new school uniform and school bag, and taking Mimi to school together!
Produced by TOY0+ and designed by Yokooong 洋子yokooo∴•으•∴, Jaime and Mimi designer toy set made by soft vinyl. Jaime is 13.9cm tall and with a yellow removable heart accessory on his left chest, and also a school bag accessory. Little dog Mimi is 7cm tall with a new green collar. "Jaime & Mimi go to school" is now available to preorder on TOY0+ website.
詹米與米米 – 一起上學吧
尺寸:(詹米)11.8CM高; (米米)7CM高
🌟Product Information🌟
Jaime & Mimi - Go to School
+Artist: Yokooong
Size: (Jaime)11.8CM tall; (Mimi)7CM tall
Material: Soft vinyl
Retail price: HKD$580
Made in China
Manufacturer: TOYZEROPLUS