由台灣玩具設計師 - Momoco X Shon X Robin三方聯乘設計,Milk Company Toy原型繪製TOYZEROPLUS生產,大型聯名作品:”機神大統領 – 毛翔羅號”,靈感沿自於90年代受到大眾喜愛的特攝影集、動畫,以合體機器人的概念為主題,分別加入了三位設計師原有的角色元素,當中抱抱貓臉的軀幹、鯊魚造型的手臂和腳掌、三個眼睛的頭蓋等等,設計中包含三位設計師對創作的熱情,投射到兒時夢想而產生的熱血作品!
From the Taiwanese Designers Momoco X Shon X Robin collaborated to design "The Mega Shmoro" inspired by the SFX shows and animes that were popular in 90s, as well as using mechanized Zoids as the subject. Combining the original characters from the three designers, such as a hug hug cat body, sharklike arms and feet, and a three eyed head, which is a passionated projection of their intense love of toy design into their childhood dreams.
3D crafted by Milk Company and produced by TOYZEROPLUS, The Mega Shmoro consists of 12 soft vinyl pieces and 1 resin component with 8 movable joints. The head can be detached and the cabin can be fitted in with 3 R.U.Y.H. Steel Rangers, with the raw steel and mechanical texture on the painting effect.
機神大統領 - 毛翔羅號 (不包含 R.U.Y.H.鋼鐵三寶)
預售價:HKD$1180 (原價 HKD$1350)
🌟Product Information🌟
“The Mega Shmoro (R.U.Y.H. Steel Rangers” Set is not included)
Size: Robot~25CM tall
Material: Soft vinyl/Resin
Preorder Price:HKD$1180 (Original Price: HKD$1350)
Made in China
Manufacturer: TOYZEROPLUS
Expected Delivery Period: Late August 2019