Cola PP Baby


PP Baby帶著辛苦儲了兩星期的打工零錢跑去馬路旁邊那間懷舊的士多。
汗珠從額頭滚落,PP Baby「呲」的一聲把瓶口打開,仰着脖子,「咕咚咕咚」地把可樂一口氣喝下去,冰涼又爽快,那一刻才醒覺,原來,為城市迎來夏天的並非那一聲蟬鳴。
由AAAZ設計,TOYZEROPLUS生產,這次給PP Baby (屁屁寶寶) 塗上復古風格的金屬橘色,為他配上3枝迷你可樂、1個小鐡籃和1棟銀橘色的大廈配件,連同獨立的精美背卡,讓你帶PP Baby 回到過去,一再回味兒時那種甜如可樂,單純和幸福的感覺。

It was early summer and the cicadas sang loudly.
Carrying an amount of money changes that were earned not easily from work for almost 2 weeks, PP Baby ran to the nostalgic tuck shop at the road.
“Sir, a bottle of coke, please.” With sweat beading on his forehead, PP Baby gasped.
“HISS!” PP Baby opened the bottle and chugged the whole glass of coke immediately. Feeling that coolness and fresh, he realized it was not the song of cicadas that bring summer to the city.
Designed by AAAZ and produced by TOYZEROPLUS, coated with a retro-styled metallic orange on PP Baby and paired him with 3 mini coke bottles, 1 small metal basket and 1 silver-orange building as accessories. In addition to an independent and lovely back card packaging, it allows you to bring PP Baby back to the past, to relive the simplicity and happiness that is sweet and lovely as coke.

PP Baby - 可樂寶寶
+Artist: AAAZ

尺寸: 9.5CM高
物料: 搪膠
價錢: HKD$480
商品產地: 中國大陸


Product Information
Cola PP Baby
+Artist: AAAZ

Size: 9.5CM tall
Material: Soft vinyl
Price: HKD$480
Made in China
Manufacturer: TOYZEROPLUS

*Customers will receive their products within 2 to 10 working days once the order is confirmed.*

About the Artist

Came from Guangzhou, AAAZ is both an illustrator and tattoo artist. She is not just a fan of graphic design but also handcrafting. “AAA-Z” is the brand she created and because of her curiosity of different materials, she always tries new things in her designs and creations.

Recently, she has been collaborating with TOYZEROPLUS, a toy brand from Hong Kong, which has started her journey in the art toy industry by her first designer toy “PP BABY”. 


AAAZ近年更跟香港玩具品牌TOYZEROPLUS合作,以個人的首隻設計師玩具「PP BABY」開始踏足潮流玩具界。